Posts by Year


Vijayan 2020 Reproduction and Modification

1 minute read

Vijayan et al. in the study “Beyond the 405 and the 5: Geographic Variations and Factors Associated With Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SAR...

Kang 2020 Reproduction and Modification

1 minute read

Kang et al.’s study focuses on mapping and analyzing the accessibility of COVID-19 healthcare resources in Chicago and the state of Illinois using network an...

Spielman 2020 Reproduction and Modification

1 minute read

We have successfully reproduced Spielman’s study of the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI), based on the method developed by Cutter et al., across all countie...

Reproducing Social Vulnerability Model

2 minute read

I participated in the reproduction of the climate change vulnerability score calculation for Malawi last week, following the Malcomb 2014 study. The result w...

Malcomb 2018 Reproduction and Modification

1 minute read

The second reproduction and modification study we implemented is “Vulnerability modeling for sub-Saharan Africa: An operationalized approach in Malawi” by Dy...

Provenance, Error and Uncertainty

2 minute read

The research project I conducted this summer when I used SAM to quantify the smallholder woodlots is an example of my experience with uncertainty. We were tr...

Reproducible and Open GIScience

2 minute read

To what extent does open-source GIS help solve the problems of the reproducibility crisis for geography? How? Are there problems with reproducibility an...

Is GIS a science?

3 minute read

In the Fall semester of 2023, I have taken GEOG 361 Open Source GIS with Professor Joe Holler. We had our course started by discussing a debating topic “Is G...

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